The weather is slowly warming up and now is a good time to trim lavender. Never cut back into old wood, but trim to a nice shape and back to where there are still leaves. Lavender should be trimmed to shape again when the flowers have gone over in the late Summer.
If your Agapanthus is in a pot and it is pushing itself out of the pot then it is ready to be divided. Agapanthus like to be to be root-bound, but when they become too much so, they will not be able to get enough water or food so will need re-potting or splitting. The roots of Agapanthus are very robust and will withstand a lot of manhandling, which is fortunate as to divide them will be by carving knife or axe! Repot the pieces into pots with a compost containing loam to add moisture and nutrient retention.
It is not too late to plant your new Beech Hedge as long as you use pot-grown plants. Beech leaves will start breaking very soon, bringing their beautiful fresh green to our gardens. Beech is very good for all sorts of wildlife, providing security, nesting spaces and food for all sorts of creatures. Hedges also help to link up areas of vegetation providing safe corridors for wildlife to move along.