Spring pruning can be done now. The Dogwoods that looked so good through Winter need to be cut back to the lowest pair of buds to ensure the plant doesn’t grow huge and to maximise the colour of there stems for next Winter.
Camellias too will benefit from a light prune for shape now as the flowers begin to fade. Camellias start to form next years buds almost straight away so pruning now will not reduce flowers next year. Once all threat of frost has passed, your Pittosporum can also be tidied and shaped with pruning. Remove the end of shoots that got damaged in frosts earlier this year.
If you have Twisted Hazel - Corylus Contorta - you will find that there are some shoots coming from below ground with are straight. These need to be removed as they are more robust than the contorted stems and will cause the plant to revert to a natural Hazel. This may happen with many plants that have been grafted, so keep an eye out and remove shoots coming from below the graft.