If your hedges are looking a little shaggy, now is a good time to trim them. If they are deciduous the new leaves will soon come and new shoots to make your hedge more dense. Birds are nesting between March and August, so if at all possible avoid trimming between these months.
It is also a good time of year to repot bay trees if they need it. Use a soil based compost such as John Innes No.2 and mix with a little grit to improve drainage.
It is time now to prune buddleja plants to keep them manageable and promote flowering. Trim the stems to around 10cm from the ground, cutting back to healthy buds. If your buddleja has a lot of old and woody growth, remove about 1/3 of it to open up the plant. Repeat this over the next few years to rejuvenate the plant.
Camellias are coming into they own now showing off their beautiful blooms, these evergreen shrubs are hardy and easy to care for. Grow them in acid soil (ericaceous compost if in a pot) in a slightly sheltered position.