The frosts are long gone now and days are longer, so it is time to brighten up our outdoor seating areas by filling spare pots with bright annuals. . Hanging basket plants are not just for baskets but can be used in containers too - Geranium, Petunia, Lobelia and Calibrachoa and many others create a bright burst of colour wherever you put them. With regular food and water they will continue to grow until the frosts in the autumn.
It is a great time now to plant evergreen shrubs so they have all summer to get established and be ready to give you structure and colour once the brightness of summer has passed. Spring has definitely sprung, the new beech leaves have broken in their beautiful bright green which will slowly darken through the year until they gleam golden in autumn. The golden leaves remain all through winter waiting to be pushed off by the new growth again in spring. A year of paradise in a hedge.