Garden Tips for Winter

Month by Month Gardening Calendar - 12 December

02 March, 2022 |

Mulch if the weather is still mild

Month by Month Gardening Calendar - 02 February

02 March, 2022 |

If the weather isn't cooperative, you could spend the time indoors with a bit of garden planning, revisit your spring to-do list from the months before to get an idea of how you would like to arrange your planting this year. You could also look at purchasing compost and any extra supplies in anticipation of the better weather ahead. 

Month by Month Gardening Calendar - 01 January

02 March, 2022 |

Perhaps you're a beginner gardener and your New Year's resolution is to get out into the garden or you're a seasoned gardener looking for some advice and inspiration for the month ahead, whatever you're looking for we have everything you'll need to start the new year with a bit of garden therapy!